Gival Press is pleased to announce the publication of Haint: poems by Teri Ellen Cross Davis. The debut collection was chosen for the inaugural Giron/Valdez Series for Unique Voices in Literature.
As Myra Sklarew adeptly noted, “Teri Cross Davis has the courage to make this complex experience come to life, to address it, to let her readers know what it feels like, and to tell them she will go on, facing and giving life to a new level of understanding that is seldom addressed.”
Cornelius Eady writes “Haint is a book of life. Not a book of survival, though the poet survives, not a book of reckoning, though the poet comes to terms with many things. Haint is a book of choices, and witnessing. A book of learning the bodies territories, pleasures and sorrows. A book that constructs the irrepressible center of a soul, page by page, plank by plank. A book a reader will put down after reading and mutter ‘yes’ to themselves, haunted.”
Ross Gay states “Although heartbreak is the origin of so many of these poems, it's love that makes them go. Love to which they plead and aspire and pray.”
Sandra Beasley praises poems that "remind us that skin is both collective history and individual testimony—a maze, a frustration, a celebration. This collection, which hums and startles, will echo in the reader for months to come.”
Sharan Strange notes that Haint "Explores the psychic interstices of coming-of-age, love, marriage, and motherhood; these meditations on desire, hunger, loss, birth, nurture, and violence raise questions and challenge assumptions about Black woman’s selfhood. Ultimately, the vulnerabilities, boldness, passion, and fears on display in this moving collection forge a new song of self-affirmation.”
About Gival Press:
Gival Press, a member of the Association of American Publishers and an-award winning independent literary press, was established in 1998 to promote literary works with a message. Its over 65 books in print represent both established and emerging author from around the world, and its works are in English, French and Spanish, with a Chinese-to-English translation planned in the near future. Its books are available from Ingram, Follett, Brodart as well several internet venues.
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